Browsing Data

Learn how to browse through your data

The Data Table

A Data Table shows the contents of a particular table. It is composed of several elements:

  1. The table's name

  2. Toggle Filters Button

  3. Table headers

  4. Table data

  5. Copy to Form buttons

  6. Pagination controls

Header Icons

Some headers have an icon before their name. In the example above, the icon next to the first header means that it's a primary key. Here are all the icons you'll see and their meanings:


A table with thousands of rows is hard to browse all at once, which is why the Data Table allows for pagination. The table in the screenshot below has 1,000 rows where the pk column has values from 1 to 1,000. At the bottom are the pagination controls.

  1. Page Input: The number here reflects the current page number.

  2. Items Per Page Selector: This controls the amount of content rows per page.

  3. Data Range: This shows the range of rows currently being displayed

  4. Next/Previous Page Buttons: Use these buttons to go to the next/previous page


To sort the data, click on a column header. An up arrow means data is being sorted by that column in ascending order and a down arrow means the opposite. There can only be one sorted column at a time.


To start filtering data, click the Toggle Filters Button (1) next to the table's name. This will create a Filter (2) for you. You'll also notice the Add Filter Button (3). This will add another empty filter.

To use a Filter, select a column, an operation, and a value. For example, if we wanted to find out which rows have a customer_id greater than 5, we'd set the column to "customer_id," operation to "Greater Than," and value to "5."

Here's a complete list of operations:

  • Less Than/Greater Than: Typically for use with numeric columns, but can be used with textual columns as well.

  • Equal To: Pretty much what you'd expect for numeric columns. For textual columns, this operation is case-insensitive

  • Is Null/Is Not Null: Tests if a column is/is not null. There is no value input when this is selected.

The checkbox in the upper-left hand corner of a Filter enables/disables the Filter. A disabled Filter won't be used when requesting data.

The button in the upper-right hand corner of a Filter removes that Filter.

Copy to Form

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